Me: "Yep"
He then limped on his one un-casted leg super fast, like some kind mutant dwarf into the hall and I heard a lot of rumbling and shifting from his room. He hobbled back in with my mother's day present that he made at Pre-school, that he had kept secret from everyone for over a week. A picture frame with a picture of he and I at his birthday VIP day at school. He was so excited and so sweet. One of the best Mother's Day ever.
My neighbor came outside to show me her new laptop that she got for Mother's Day on my way home from church. I am excited for her.
I found stolen flowers on the kitchen counter for my gift. As in stolen from the neighbors house, and the park down the street. I wonder if Jeff would have to pay a fine for getting caught... )That, along with the picture from Derek and the talk from Clint. I think I like my gifts better.
We are having frozen B-B-Q Chicken Pizza for dinner. And I get some extra alone time to blog while Jeff carves a walking stick for Derek outside. All around, it's been a pretty good Mother's Day. It's a pretty good life.
Good mother's day. What sweet boys you have and I think they know they are so lucky to have you as their mommy :)
Hi Rachel-
I wanted you to know what great boys you have. I was touched by Clint's talk. It was so cute watching him wander around trying to find where you were sitting after passing the Sacrament only to then hear that he was one of the Youth Speakers. I got a kick out of watching him speed walk up to the microphone. I wondered to myself if you had known he was going to speak.
I have to agree, for Mother's Day, it was okay. I've never been a fan of the day and even having Amber, the day never really seems that wonderful. I used to wonder as I was growing up why my mother spent the whole day crying. I think as I get older I understand it all a little better.
I don't want to sound like a downer. You mentioned the "relocated" flowers that you were given. It made me smile. I have made it a tradition since I was 14 to make my Mom a corsage for her to wear to church on this day. I had to smile because there were some years when I "relocated" some flowers of my own to make the effort to let my sweet Mommy know she was special.
Happy Day sweet friend! Hugs to you!
Okay, I didn't mention the best part of the day. Even though I had worked a HORRIBLE graveyard and only had slept two hours...RS and Sunday School were EXACTLY what I needed today. I enjoyed Sacrament Meeting too but my empty (or nearing empty) cup was filled. I needed to be there for both of those lessons. People NEVER know how the simple act of serving in their individual callings blesses the lives of others.
Okay...enough of me for now.
I have to agree, it is a pretty good life. I like reading so much positivity in your posts.
That dress is great by the way!
Happy mothers day and I would take all your gifts over the laptop any day. And I must say you look really thin and like a hott momma in this picture!!!
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