Derek: I am really fast, and I can jump really far
Jeff: Like Dash
Derek: Yeah, like Dash
Jeff: So, are we like The Incredibles?
Derek: No, we aren't The Incredibles
Jeff: The Supers?
Derek: Yes, The Supers!
Jeff: What is Mom's special power?
Derek: Kisses
Jeff: Kisses?
Derek: She has magic kisses. They make everything feel better.
(I am not kidding!!!! He really said that and came up with it all by himself!)
Jeff: What is Clint's Power?
Derek: He doesn't have any special powers...
Jeff: He can build things with Legos
Derek: Yes, he is a good builder. He can build things....
(It's a good thing Clint had to leave right before that comment...)
So we are The Supers...I think I'll have to get some T-shirts made up! And I need to post one of Derek's Jack Jack look alike pictures from when he was a baby...and I probably need to commission Chelsea to draw our pictures as Superheros...I would pay just about anything for that!
Awe, kisses is your super power, how cute is Derek! Thats awesome.
You are so smart to write all this stuff down. That is so hilarious and sweet at the same time.
If I wasn't there I wouldn't have believed it! Derek is getting too big (tear forming....)!
Oh my heavens, he does look just like Jack Jack!
Hey man, I'd be more than happy to draw y'all. I'm just sitting around, waiting for jobs these days. And y'all can definitely have a discount, since you're family. :D
Thanks Chelsea! I can't wait!!!!
The Supers! I love it! Everybody should have a special power!
That is so funny, I can't wait for Bode to start talking. Kids come up with the best stuff!
That is so cute. I love the picture of Derek. He looks just like that baby. And it's amazing what little kids can come up with on their own. I'm sure your kisses really do make everything all better.
That is so precious, and good thing you have it documented in your blog, cause 10 years from now you may not remember those precious words. I hope Chelsea does draw you all, that would be very cool, and then frame and display them in your house :)
thats really cute and I love that your super power is kisses. Thats so awesome!!! and so sweet.
I love it! So cute, and little Derek and Jack Jack, to cute. He definetly got mommy's power right on. :)
Cute, cute!
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