I really have not thought much about my mission for years. It has been almost 20 years now, since I left. I entered the
MTC in August of 1989. Can't believe that it has been that long.

That's me in the stupid bunny shirt. I thought I was fat. I think I was a size 7. What I would give...

I have been thinking about my mission a lot mostly because I have reconnected with so many people from Chile on

It has brought back a lot of memories...some good, some just really personal...

I really don't think there was a more defining time in my life. Friendships I made there that meant so much. Thinking I would never be able to really see or hear again from so many of these people...

There were really several people that I will always remember, and I am so glad that I knew.

Now that
facebook has made the world so small, I have been able to communicate with so many of these amazing people again.

There are others that I would love to still find.

Technology is a really beautiful thing...

And in spite of all of the hardships, I am so glad I had the opportunity to be there, in Chile, and meet some of the most amazing and beautiful people in the world.

A lot of things that didn't make sense to me back then are starting to make sense to me now...

Leaving was
I really want to go back there soon. I hope my boys go to Chile on their missions. And I hope Jeff and I can go on one there too. It is a very beautiful place. The ocean is amazing. But the very best thing about Chile is the people.
oh my goodness look at how young you were. You were just a baby going all the way to Chile! I remember getting letters from you while you were there. What a sweet Aunt to take the time to right little old me:) And it is so nice to keep in touch with so many people through FB and blogging. What a great time we live in.
Andi, I have been feeling so sentimental, I went through my old mission journal and have pictures and letters from you and Amber. They meant a lot to me...you girls always were my best friends!!! And you still are! Love you!
YOu have always been my favorite Aunt. Love you too!
I love those pictures. You were so young and beautiful...of course you still are beautiful and just a little wiser now (not older, right? ;)sWe all are.
Oh I remember that time too. My little sister so far away. You did so good though... I can't believe you actually did that. I was so proud of you, and now still am for the amazing woman that you are. Love you... little miss sentimental :)
I love seeing these pictures of you!
Aint technology great?
Those pictures are awesome Rachel! Thats awesome you have been thinking back, the mission days are hard days but awesome and amazing memories!
Hope you had fun in Park City- missed you on Sunday. Im so sad you guys were released. :( I wanted to boycott the release in sacrament meeting.
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