This is another Tradition.....To help me to make sure I clean the windows at least once a year.

The paint is just equal parts tempra and cornstarch, with a little dish soap mixed in with it.

The paint mostly just comes off with a rubber spatuala.

Clint and the other kids lost interest after the first day. Derek has continued working on it for the last few days... And he has created quite any army of Transformers. In the "rainbow jungle". The best part is listening to him imagine all of the things that are happening in that jungle.

We leave it up until Valentines Day.

One more reason why I love Jeff for giving me Ceramic Tile Floors!
You do the funnest stuff!!!
That's so awesome. I wanna come paint on the windows!
Awesome idea! Definitely need to have tile floors though.
In family fun it recommends a drop cloth...possible, but probably to risky, especially on carpet.
I love it. What a fun project. You always have the best ideas, and the funnest things for your kids to do. And that is something fun for all ages. I would even like to come paint on the windows.
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