Since we have been stuck inside so much all crappy winter, there are a few cool things we have found to pass the time. MOON SAND is something that I have seen several times in the store and always wondered about. Wondered about how to have sand contained in your house....

Well, I found some on sale at Target for such a good price that we brought it home to try it out. It comes with a little inflatable sandbox that does a pretty good job at keeping the sand inside.
And the set we got came with all kinds of accessories. And it is good for seriously hours of fun at a time. And the sand that does get away sweeps up easily. The colors are all mixed together now, but the kids don't seem to mind too much. After all, real sand is brown.

My other cool find was a Birthday Gift for Derek from his cousin Amber....
The first time we played with it, Derek and I spent 2 hours going through the book and making things out of the purple clay that came with it.

Now we have progressed to using colored play dough to enhance the experience, and enlisted the rest of the family to make really cool works of art.

Every page has suggestions for what to make out of clay....

Of course, we made a Sponge Bob Scene!
Once again, cool ideas. I love the Sponge Bob scene! I imagine Jeff had much to contribute to that one...
I love the Sponge Bob scene. Eva would love it too. You always have the funnest things for your kids to do. And this one even entertained your hubby. I like the picture of all 3 of your boys hard at work.
Gosh you do the funnest stuff...I wanna stay home and be your kid
Good, I'm glad he had fun with it. Next time you do a cool project with the boys, call me so I can learn. :)
See you tomorrow for some swimming fun!
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