Big Foot lives in Washington you know. We looked and looked and looked all over
Silver Falls for him. We didn't find him. I wonder if he is related to
Jacob. You know who I am talking about. We were really close to
Forks after all. (All my friends who love
Twilight...I thought about you all week!).
One of the most beautiful places I have ever been.

The rain would be hard for me to live with, I won't lie about that...but the green and the trees
definitely make it more tolerable. And when the sun does come! Unbelievable! And the sun did come out...they last 3 days we were there!

Each Family had their own little cabin. Clint and Derek are on the porch of ours.

This bridge was about 100 ft. from our campsite. We had fun exploring.

Clint and Cole got brave on a fallen tree log. The drop was only about 10 feet. Nothing too dangerous.

So I took Derek across too.

vegetation is so
different from anything in Utah.

Mossy Trees,

One big Spider.

Jeff is giving Derek a lesson in forest survival...eating clover.

These two are going to lead us to the waterfall?!! (Jeff and his Dad).

Ready for an excursion?

Silver Falls....Really Beautiful!

Lower Falls...

More mossy trees...

Aunt Lelia brought
marshmallow guns and other surprises for the kids...she is very sweet!

Derek and his's so great that they get along and have so much fun! I am so glad that at least Garrett and Preston don't live too far away.

What a beautiful place, I love to be in the outdoors, and I love to see your photography. You do have an eye!! Those little cabins looked fun. We still need to plan and do our sisters get away!!!
Yet another beautiful place. I love all the mossy trees and that cabin was so cute. I just can't wait until my kids are old enough to go and fun things like that.
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