Yes that is me cliff Jumping. It was maybe 15 feet. Not too high. But the water was FREEZING!!! And it was raining, as usual. So it was even more cold than it would have been otherwise. So after hiking through the forest with flip-flops on, and wearing my bathing suit under my clothes for a 2 hour car ride, I was a little annoyed that everyone else decided that it was "Too Cold" to jump. (Say "too cold in your
wimpiest voice".) I was not leaving until I jumped after coming all this way. I know it is not a very flattering picture of me...but I jumped! And nearly slipped into hypothermia afterwards!
Kimm, Clint and Cole jumped too...we are all AWESOME!!!

The next stop was the Cheese factory. We came here last year. Clint loved it and wanted to come again. They apparently have the best ice cream in the world. And a lot of free cheese.

Scott, Cole and Clint get to sample all
different kinds.

Derek is not a cheese fan, unless it is string cheese...but he remembered to bring his "D".
Tillamook was about 30 min. away from the Pacific. So we spent the rest of the day there...and the sun came out...and it was beautiful, and warm, and I love the Ocean!

Me and Jeff in really bad lighting...

Derek fell asleep in the car and slept for a good hour and a half before I woke him up. It took a couple of tries to get him coherent enough for him to realize that we had made it to the beach.

Clint, Scott and Cole Boogie Boarding...Scott used to surf when he lived in Hawaii...he really knows what he is doing!

It was a perfect day!

Clint and Cole are such good friends. I am so glad he was able to come from Boston for the week!

There was a cave down the beach...Clint, Jeff and Cole went exploring...I stayed with Derek while he was asleep, but it sounds like it was really cool.

Derek finally woke up and started playing with his cousins. Garrett and Preston are so fun!

Derek did a little boogie boarding too...He just waits for the water to come to him.

Jeff's sister Ginni...superwoman! Seriously! She is supermom! I love her! That is her little girl Leah...she almost likes me now.

Freaky, I know! (Don't panic...those are Clint's legs over Cole's shoulders:)

And those are Garret's legs over Clint :)

Shannon, (Scott's wife), and of Derek's favorite friends, even though they are cousins too.

I can never get enough beach time. I love the beach!

I share your love of the beach. I could spend all day there. I just love the water and the waves and the sand. It looks like you had tons of fun. I look forward to the next 2 parts!
And your swim suit is super cute! Is it from Shade?
The beach is the best! I made Mark promise me that if we ever moved, it would be close to the ocean. There is just something wonderful about it...
Suit is Victoria Secret, Belive it or not. They have X-large lucky for me!:)
I love the beach too. The Ocean is so amazing but I also just miss going to all the beaches in MI. I love swimming and sitting in the sand. It looks you guys had a great time. And good for you for jumping I would have too.
You are brave for jumping of the cliff. We have jumped off "jump rock" when we have been white water rafting in West Virginia. It never looks too high form the water, but then when you get to the top... whoa, it's a long way down, even if it is only 15 feet. Looks like you had a great trip!! Love you all.
You know in all those pictures I think you look thinner than the last time I saw you! You look really good!!! LOVE YOU know exactly what to say!
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