My favorite part of the day was the very first thing....The bike parade!

Our neighbors across the street always drive their fun car that I decorated. They blast Patriotic Music and all the kids follow along around the block.

Kooyman is only 2 1/2 years old, and he rode his little scooter the entire way around the block...even though he wiped out a couple of times.

Sometimes the kids wanted to go faster than the car.

Clint decorated his bike all by himself!

Dez and Adian

Clint again...

Allison got to ride on Brother Wright's horse!

Me and Lucy, Derek and Alex...Another good friend for Derek!

Breakfast after the Parade at the church. Yummy Donouts and Muffins and Juice!

We went to the Sandy City Fair after breakfast. I forgot to bring my camera...but it was fun. Of course, everyone got snowcones.

Here Allison is getting ready for the pre-city fireworks display by lighting some of her own...With her Dad's help, of course.

Driveway fireworks with friends before the big ones tonight!

We ran into Landen before the fireworks started!

Derek and Allison having another one of their little lovespats...

After the City Fireworks were over, we went to the Curtis's for more. Derek didn't last for long. His ears were tired. Enough noise for one night. Jeff and Clint stayed for more pyro-mania. Derek went to bed. Over all we had another great Fourth. What I love most is just being together. I love Summer!
This is so funny...I have the exact same picture of Landen I took with my camera. For a second I thought you got it from me. Gald you had a great day! We loved having you at our fireworks show!
Rachel, It looks like you had alot of fun. I'm so glad you have such good friends around you, You are blessed.
It looks like you guys had a blast. It's so nice to go outside and do fun stuff like that in the summer. You and your family are lucky to live around so many friends.
Wish you guys were here! (Except you Lisa, I am already glad that you are here!)
Lots of fun! your new blog background!
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