We went to a nice little campsite in Midway...Wasatch Park.

No showers for 2 days!!!

Father, son time. Jeff's Mom and Dad came down from Washington for the week.

Garrett, Preston, and Derek played A LOT of Connect Four.

And they had a blast with the
squirt guns that
Grama Rita got for them. The rest of us didn't appreciate it as much. They worked great together as a team. I guess we should have been happy that they were all getting along so well....

Derek sure does love

I finally had had enough of the squirt guns, so we played Kick the Can, Hide and Go Seek, and Car Lot. Then I took the boys down to the pond.

Of course there were lots of Geese and Ducks....

Feeding Time!

Everybody loves Ducks!

Derek got a little hungry.

We were lucky to find a playground at the pond.

Clint tried to sneak off and do what he likes best....

Until Dad showed up to show him how fun the playground could be. Even if you are the only big kid.

After playing on the playground, it was time to explore.

We found a tree trunk that had been chewed on by a Beaver!

Derek sure looks excited to point it out.

There was a little nature center by the pond. We checked it out. They had a few exhibits of rocks and animals. Here Preston and Derek take a look at some of the rocks and minerals found in Utah.

And here we have a display of Utah Animals. (Unfortunately, they are all dead.)

Jeff decided to do something silly....

Derek thought this was hilarious and wanted to be as funny as his daddy...Like father, like son.

Across from the Nature Center was a strange looking building...What could it be?

It was locked...but Jeff took advantage of this little teaching situation to teach his sons and nephews a little life skill....

How to pick a lock....

Inside were displays and teaching materials...it must be some kind of class room.

Clint decided to stay and perfect his newly acquired lock picking skills...


Time to explore the wetlands and streams...

Clint thought it was the funniest thing to keep throwing little sticky plants at the photographer (that would be me).

Garrett decided to chase after the muskrat...

But it was just too fast!

Derek just loves exploring with his Daddy.

Preston saw lots and lots of Dragonflies!

There were tons of Butterflies too!

Preston and Derek really wanted to go swimming in the pond, but it was pretty mucky, and there were some big fish jumping out there in the middle.

Outside of the
visitor center was a nest built above the door. The babies were really cute and were just peeking over the nest...

Derek and I were apparently watching them for too long, because we were attacked by the
Mommy Bird. And I mean really attacked!!! She was pretty scary when she was swooping around my head and squawking at us! We learned our lesson...
Don't stand under a nest and watch baby birds for too long...the
Mommy will not like it not one little bit!

After we packed up on Tuesday, we stopped at
Jordanelle Reservoir to have lunch and swim. I didn't take any pictures. I wish I did. We had fun swimming, and the beach is not as rocky as some of the other lakes and creeks around here. And then, after that we stopped at the best shake shop in Utah!

Every time we are up in this area, we never miss the opportunity to go to Granny's. The best shakes in the world!
Looks like you had fun! I love GRANNYS!!!! Yum I'm craving it right now. In college when we'd drive up to Park City we'd always stop at Grannys for a shake.
Looks like lots of fun. Did you go??? Why aren't there ever pictures of you? You're beautiful and I want to see you too!
You do such a fantastic job of taking pictures and documenting your activities, I just think you need to be in the pictures once in a while too, I want to see my sister!! I love the part about picking the lock, how funny!!
I know...I am always behind the camera. I guess I would rather not be in the pictures...but I will try to pass the camera to Jeff once in a while. Love you girls!
It looks like you guys all had a great time. And what a fun Dad Jeff is. I thought that the lock picking was pretty funny. and tell Jeff and clint that I'm a little jealous, I have always wanted to be able to pick a lock and never have.
CLint will be happy to show you how the next time you are in town Andi!
What a fun time you guys had! Summer is the best. I love the pic of Jeff being freaked out by the cougar (was it a cougar?) so hilarious.
Yeah, I think it was a cougar:)
Rachel, I loved seeing your pictures of our trip! I'm so glad you thought to bring your camera! Funny pictures and commentary. Love ya!
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