Does AnYoNerecognize this house? Something happened in the middle of the night...there's 40 pink balloons EVERYWHERE! Ha ha ha...Lisa and I had soooo much fun last night decorating...we felt like teenagers again...giggeling...watching the shadows in the house move around and hoping no one would catch us in the act. A couple of times we thought we were caught and hid behind the house and car...but we were safe. We had the darndest time untangeling the balloons and forks. We love you Rachel and hope you have a FaBuLoUs 40th BiRtHdAy!! xoxo-Lisa and Miranda
You are so cute Rachel! Hope you have a great day!
Lisa and Miranda...(sniff, sniff)..Some of the best friends anyone could ever have...I was shocked!!!(and just a tiny bit embarrased)...I love you!!! I will have a happy birthday now, especailly now that everyone in the entire neighborhood is going to be reminding me of it today...
Holy old person, Batman!
Happy birthday, Spike! (Now you can explain that one.) You know that the best part of being your younger brother is that I will never be as old as you. :-p
Where in the world did we find that red truck?
I miss you and love you. I hope this whole day will be full of nothing but happiness and glee. Well, okay, glee is a pretty old term... OOPS! Sorry! I didn't mean that you were old... OOPS! Dang, I did it again!
Just remember now that you are officially over the hill, the ride is supposed to be more fun if you hold your arms high in the air...I think screaming adds something, too, but I can't remember. They say the second thing to go is your memory. I can't remember what the first thing is...
David, you are so funny! wow, I can't stop laughing...
Happy Birthday! I was driving to Target today and couldn't help but see all the balloons from the road. What sweet friends you have! Wishing you a great day. Love you!
Raachel, Happy birthday to you. I was at work today trying to remember if you were turning 40 or 41 today. It's hard to believe that 40 years has passed. That is a long time!!! But you have accomplished so much: a mission to Chile where you became fluent in Spanish, A Bachelor degree from BYU in education, a wonderful teacher, a wonderful aunt, a loving wife, a wonderful mother to 2 great boys, a kind and supportive sister to me and friend to so many others. You are a blessing to all of us, I love you and am so glad your sweet friends suprised you with pink balloons.
Shelli, just when I thought I really couldn't cry anymore...maybe birthdays really are not that bad...and I am happy that I'm not turning 41 yet!
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