A family in our ward just gave us their jar of change...$62.00, another friend dropped of another $20 because she heard about what was going on, but was out of town last week, and Clint got a job putting booklets together for a friends construction company...$75.00...That makes well over $1800 and Jeff's Dad has said that he has been so moved by Clint's efforts, He is going to pay the diffrence...Heavenly Father does not always answer our prayers the way we want him to...but sometimes he does.
Me...crying again. I need to quit checking in on the Rex updates. The family curse...it's getting me! I can't believe how sweet so many people are. It kinda makes you take a sec. to look at all the truely good people there are in this world and thank heavenly father that we are lucky enough to know them. Who sent the giftcard? How sweet! (and you are one of those people that I am so glad to know)!
I am crying again too, this whole thing is simply amazing!!
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