Saturday, March 29, 2008
It IS a miracle...
Who Sent the Gift Card????
Thank you whoever you are!
Friday, March 28, 2008
First attempt.
Hooray, for all the wonderful people who helped. He is such a wonderful dog. No wonder so many were eager to help. He will be up and running around before you know it.
Hooray for Clint. Even though he did not make it, he was in the running and he is still a champion of his school and his district, and had a wonderful spot in the newspaper of how smart he is.
Let me know if you received this.
Love, Mom (& Dad for helping me)
Just When I thought the Rex story was over...
Happy 40th Birthday Rachel!

Thursday, March 27, 2008
SCATTERGORIES. . .It's harder than it looks! Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following... they have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
What is your name............................Rachel
4 Letter Word...................................Rock
Boy Name........................................Rocky
Girl Name.........................................Roxanne
Alcoholic Drink..................................Rum
Occupation......................................Race Car Driver
Something you Wear.........................Rubies
Celebrity..........................................Robert Redford
Something found in a bathroom..........Razor
Reason for Being Late....................... Red Light
Cartoon Character.............................Roger Rabbit
Something You Shout.......................Right On!
Body part.........................................Retina
Word to describe you.........................Round :)
So now I tag: Amber, Wendy, Lisa, Miranda, Shelli, Chelsea, Kimm, and any of my other friends who have blogs that I don't know about. (And if you do have one, send me your blog address.)
How did I get to be 40???

Here I am (Above) at age 10, with my brother David and my dog Sheena, who has a real shedding problem. Pontiac, Michigan. Time Flies...
Me at 20, (Maybe 23...) with Jeff----XOXOXO
Juuuuust kidding....and a little wishful thinking....
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008

When I read the first few lines of your entry today I just started crying out loud (and I can do that because I'm home alone and nobody would have seen me anyway)
This story is really remarkable! What a wonderful illustration about true friendship, sacrifice, faith in the compassion and kindness of good neighbors and the selfless love of a boy for his dog. It reminds me of something you would read about in the"Trying To Be Like Jesus" section of The Friend... Hey, That's a great idea. It would be sweet to hear about it written from Clint's point of view and you can send it along with some of these great photos that you've taken of Clint and his friends so willing to help.
...and just so Corbin can know you were telling the truth about your beautiful niece.... She absolutely is! And she's an animal lover, too! Much Love, Aunt Wendy
Lemonade Sale for Rex
Matt got the worst sunburn of the group. Corbin came in second. The air was cool, but that sun was hot.
Corbin is a fearless salesman. He put on his ipod and danced around and drew in a lot of customers. He is one of those unbelievable eagle scouts who everyone is always in awe of because he is just so genuinely good and sweet and old is Hannah?!!!(She's my beautiful niece who is just about his age...)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
What Matters Most
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Get Well, soon, Rex!

We're all wishin' the best for you back here at the Stebar Studio. Hope all goes well with your surgery and that you make a quick recovery so you can be back to your old happy, playful self soon. this Twilight Bark is for you! "RRRRRUFF, RRRRUFF! RUFF! RUFF! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! OOOOOWWW! OOOOOOWWW! SNFKK! BARK!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Why we love Rex

Cottonwood Animal Hospital
6360 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Map
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Pray for sweet Rex

I am having a very difficult time trying to figure out what to do for Rex. I am very emotional while I write this because for the past 6 1/2 years, Rex has been the very best family dog I have ever known. He never barks or drives the neighbors crazy, he is sweet and patient with all the kids in the neighborhood, he is a best friend to Clint and Derek when it seems like the rest of the world is against them. At 103 lbs. he is an intimidating figure to strangers, and his presence makes me feel safe from potential seen and unseen dangers. He is always available to be a friend, go for a walk, or take a dive in the kiddie pool if anyone in our family ever needs some company.... Sunday he tore a ligament in his back leg that will require surgery. The cost is $2200. Needless to say that this would put a huge strain on our finances, and on my relationship with Jeff who has never really warmed up to Rex. Rex is not in pain, but he has no use of his back left leg. With his size and weight, it won't be long before his other back leg starts to have problems from overuse. I have been trying to get him to slow down, but he loves to play and hop around on those three legs. I don't know what to do. I have contacted Animal Sanctuary to see if they could take him, or help us out. I am ashamed as a dog owner to not be able to take care of him the way he deservers to be taken care of. I spent $170 at the Vet yesterday for his diagnosis and anti-inflamtory medication. We just are barely getting by as it is and we have spent the last 2 years finally paying off credit cards. I don't want to go back there again. Is that selfish? I know some people would say that he is only a dog...but he is also part of our family. So do I let him just hobble around until his other leg goes I take out another credit card to pay for it and then in a year or so come up with another $2200 for when his other leg goes out?(Which 2 diffrent vets have told me that there is a 90% chance of this being the case). What do I do?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Come on, People!!!
Sunday, March 9, 2008