Ingredients: 1 part Water
1 part Dirt
Several parts Kids
2 parts Plaster of Paris
1 more part water to mix with plaster

Mix Well first 3 ingredients

hand prints in mud and add rocks, shells, stones, and any other treasures

Pour Plaster of
Paris into treasure filled hand prints. Wait 1 hour. Dig out around hands with shovel, and let dry overnight.

In the morning, put hands in bucket of water and carefully wash off remaining dirt. We also put nails on the back of the hands to tie a ribbon around
in case someone
wanted to hang one on the wall...(most of the moms didn't)...

But I think they will look awesome in the garden, or maybe even hanging on a tree?
cute crafts.. :)
I love all the shells. Yet another great project. I've been thinking that before Greg leaves I need to start stocking up on craft supplies so I can do fun stuff with the girls when we get on Sundays when there is nothing else to do. So I'm adding plaster of paris to my list :)
I love them, but they look a little skeletal... :)
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