I woke up this morning with a To Do List...because my house has been neglected for a long long time. I have so much respect and admiration for women who have clean houses. I really don't think you can have a good spirit in your house if it is a mess all the time....like mine. Occasionally I can keep it together, sometimes for a few weeks.
I always have some kind of excuse that I give myself. Having to work, or PTA, or boys, or, whatever. Never acknowledging that so many others have more on their daily to do list than I have, and they can still keep their house clean. I really do think I have some form of ADD...but that is another post.

I woke up determined to get some things done...I put on cleaning clothes and ripped all the sheets and pillowcases from all the beds, went right downstairs to drop them in the washer and got to work folding all the clean clothes in the TV room, reminding Derek and Clint that it was house cleaning day today.

Then I caught a glimpse of the perfectly crystal blue sky...not a cloud in sight. Have we even had a morning so perfect yet this year? Even the temperature was perfect. I told myself there would be more days like this...
Then I heard the neighbor girls laughing outside...How could I let a day like this go to waste? How could I live in my yucky house for one more day without cleaning it?

The Answer: Stay outside! Throw a painting party!

How could I do anything else?

I did still manage to load the dishwasher and make dinner afterwards.

And I have a patient husband who supports childhood. But now I still have to contend with my house.

Maybe tomorrow won't be quite as lovely outside...

But tomorrow,

We are going to the pool....

Isn't it funny how we always wish we could be different? I feel like in ways I am the complete opposite of you. LOL Like because you prefer to do fun things with your kids and get side tracked from cleaning you must have ADD. While with me I feel like because I always have to have things neat and put away before I can do anything else fun I must have OCD. LOL And I wish sometimes I could be a little more relaxed and not so uptight with they way my house looks.....I guess we just can't win with ourselves. But I love that you took advantage of the beautiful weather and having fun with your kids. You are a great mother and so what if your house is a little messy....if the kids are happy then thats all that matters :)
Andi, your right...I do want to be like you!
This ONE time, (literally..I've never watched it before or since) I was watching Studio 5 and they are highlighting positive energy type things this month. One of the things they said was to allow yourself to "let the house go" for the summer and focus spending time with the children and doing fun things. :) I thought of you (because you already focus on that stuff) and am going to be more child orieted this summer and not beat myself up about the house.
No, I want to be like you! LOL
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