The first miracle happened when I went to get Pizza for the kids that were at my house that day. Ellen had a rough chemo week, and I was going to get cheap 5$ pepperoni pizzas for the kids. Her little boy Spencer, who is like 7, asked me if we could get Hawaiian. I told him that we were just going to have pepperoni because it is only $5. He felt bad, but I figured he would get over it and be fine. It's just pizza. But he was worried about his mom, and all the way to the pizza place I was thinking, I just should have ordered the Hawaiian...his mom has cancer! But now I didn't have 20 min. to wait while they threw a Hawaiian together for me....So I got to the Pizza place and asked for the pizza, then the guy behind the counter yells at me "Hey, I have this extra you want it?" I started crying in the pizza place. I came home and of course Spencer was thrilled.
Miracle number 2 I heard about while collecting funds for Ellen's stove that died. Ellen never complained, or asked anyone for it. But we all decided to replace it for her. A sweet lady I know came over and told me that a few years ago, she let a family she knew stay at her home for a few weeks. After the family left, she went up to clean the house a little, and found an envelope on the table with $100 in it. She was furious and called the family chastising them for leaving money. The family insisted. So this sweet lady, slightly annoyed, dropped the $100 bill in her jewelery box, and it has been there for years...and then she pulled it out and handed it to me for Ellen.
Miracle number 3 is the obvious one that so many people helped to create. A little plea for a new stove on facebook, that I figured would result in maybe $500 came in at 4 times that much. Long time friends who helped me feel like it was okay to ask for help in this way, large donations coming from people who made me swear I would never reveal the amount they were donating, and sweet friends telling me this meant far more to them than any pedicure or an evening out. Friends, giving what they can, others offering service with the placement of appliances. Strangers asking how they can help, dear friends from South and Central America asking if they needed to send dollars, or if pesos were okay. Prayers and good wishes being sent from all over the world for Ellen. And a lot of them are getting through. Resulting in not only a new stove, but a new washer and dryer, which were also needed, a wii game and battery pack, and quite a bit left over for school shopping and whatever else they need. Ellen still does not know who is responsible for this. All she knows is that a lot of people care. Miracle number 4 is more of a revelation than a miracle. How one of the most evil and sadistic forces in the world, cancer, can be overcome on many levels. First, because of the amazing Doctors and Scientists who have done so much to combat this sinister disease and can save and help so many. They continue to fight it and study it and defeat it. And when they can't, and it moves through the world on it's course of utter destruction of the human body and tries to chip away at our spirits, and destroy all of our hope, THERE WILL COME a ray of light, in some manner, whether through Angels, or Doctors, or men, and no one can deny the force of good that will manifest itself, somehow, some way, so that we can go on. If we can just maintain the tiniest amount of faith, we will know that the universe is unfolding as it should. And while we are powerless against some of the things that happen to us in this life, how we deal with those things is completely up to us. I know there is a God and that he lives and he is good. I may not understand everything that happens in this life. And there are things that make me just plain mad. But I have witnessed to many miracles throughout my life to ever deny his existence, or his love for us.
Awhile ago, Ellen mentioned that she doesn't like being on the receiving end. And that is true. She is a mom who loves her kids and has taught them so much. She loves being involved in their lives and she does so much to help others. She is a good friend. A wonderful wife and an amazing mother. What she doesn't realize is that what she has given us, to see her courage, to feel her spirit, and to recognize that she has brought out the good in so many of us...She is on the giving end...and what she has given all of worth far more than a few appliances. She has given us hope, charity, love, the face of pure evil. She is the one doing the giving. And we are ALL indebted to her.
(I hesitate to post this, because THIS IS NOT IN ANY WAY ABOUT ME. This is just for Ellen. I am not responsible for these miracles. I don't want any feedback for me. Please comment just about Ellen on this post. I decided to write about it because I have seen these miracles, and everyone needs to know about them. Again, this is not about me.)
How To Prepare For A Home Inspection
1 day ago
If anyone deserves a miracle, it's her. Rachel, you say it's not about you, but you are the vehicle to this miracle. Thank you for being so determined in your efforts. I wish I could be there to offer a hug or a kind word. It breaks my heart to see Ellen in such a fragile state. She is an amazing woman with a wonderful family. And though no one deserves the battle of cancer, she is one that most certainly doesn't.
Good job.
I love that pizza story! That is one of those small miracles that I love so much. Ellen is so great. It breaks my heart that she and her family are going through this. Thank you for organizing this and sharing your thoughts on this. ;)
Love it Rachel. ;)
Sometimes there are no words. I don't know what to say.
I don't know Ellen too well, but I've gotten to know two of her kids. They are both just adorable and I love them. They have such wonderful personalities and when I see them it always make me so happy. You know Ellen is a wonderful lady to have such wonderful kids.
It's so amazing and wonderful what people are willing to do when they hear about someone in need of help. i loved this post and all the miracles that have come her way. And I know you don't want this to be about you in away way but it's because of you that the word got out about all the help that family needed. be proud of that. Great job to everyone who helped her family.
I remember when the first time I ever met was at Granite Elementary. I was student teaching there and she stopped by to visit a teacher there. She was so sweet and I remember seeing her with her children and just thinking, "I bet she is a great mother". A few weeks later I saw her walk into Relief Society and I was like, "Wow, it's her!" I then remember hearing her make comments to the lesson and I could tell she had a very strong testimony. I knew she was awesome!
I was able to teach her boys in scouts and in primary. I remember Spencer singing "SCRIPTURE POWER!" at the top of his lounges. Those kids are amazing because they have an amazing mom. I LOVE ELLEN! I love you too Rachel...
Wonderful post...Thanks for sharing this experience with us.
I am so glad you posted these stories. It is amazing how things work out.
We so often see the good in humanity by way of adversity. The Lord truly does show his mercy through simple ways. A pizza! Really. I would have cried too. What love.
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