After his new paint job...(Thanks Gary!)

Jeff's new
Decepticon, in
Vehicle mode....

This used to be a yellow
Autobot motorcycle...I am not sure why he turned must have something to do with the white paint job...

Or maybe
he is just not right anymore now that
he is missing a few the 3 Jeff had left over after putting
him back together again.
And Now....The Full Effect...

Derek is
noticing the
custom Mountain Dew Exhaust Pipe...

Completely Original...

Can you get any cooler than this?
I really like the bike in white...and I still think he would be a great Mr.June :)
Very cool.... Yeah I vote for Mr. June too!
Jeff, you are too cool for school. I like the new bike. Make sure you ride with a helmet. ;)
Sweet bike! Tom said it all depends on where the 3 screws were left from. :) I think he'll be safe, if not the decepticon can transform and save him. :)
Love it. I hadn't seen it all put back together...i only saw the parts in pieces in my backyard. It looks awesome!!!
Noice! Now he just needs a new jacket to go with the new paint. :)
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