We Ordered some caterpillars from http://www.insectlore.com/. They came in a little box. They were very tiny. They turned into BIG caterpillars very quickly. Then they turned into cocoons after only 2 weeks. After ten days, they came out of their cocoons and they were butterflies! I mean, we knew caterpillars usually turn into butterflies, but we hoped that we didn't mess the process up somehow. Derek was a little rough with the cup of caterpillars at times. But it was really amazing to see nature at work... And it was also a little gross...We're not sure what that red stuff is... We put flowers in the butterfly box and some sugar water on the flowers. After a couple of days, we decided that it was time to let them go. Before they decided to fly away, they stopped to sit on Derek's fingertips and Clint's jeans to say "Thank You for taking care of us". What a fun experience to hold some butterflies that Derek and Clint raised themselves. They were very good butterfly brothers, and were proud that all of their butterflies hatched, and grew to fly away on their own. you listen closely, you can hear Clint explaning all about butterflies. He is the smart one.
Great memory!! but i bet its a better one than for my kids at school. we did the butterfly thing and they all were dead at the bottom of their home. sad for them.. but looks like yours went very well. :)
I love my family and my first grade class. I am trying to find beauty in the small things that keep us together and make our lives a little more bright.
What a great memory!!!
Great memory!! but i bet its a better one than for my kids at school. we did the butterfly thing and they all were dead at the bottom of their home. sad for them.. but looks like yours went very well. :)
That is so sad Michelle! I hope the kids were not too traumatized!
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