Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Another Personality Test...I really like the results for this one
You Are Romanticism |
You are likely to see the world as it should be, not as it is. You prefer to celebrate the great things people do... not the horrors they're capable of. For you, there is nothing more inspiring than a great hero. You believe that great art reflects the artist's imagination and true ideals. |
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I went to the funeral today. It was not as depressing as I thought it would be. It was hard, but it was also hopeful. Some family members who are not members of the church spoke. They were sweet. Then our relief society president Carol Day spoke. She was so sweet and inspired. Those of you who know Carol know how sweet and funny and sincere she is. She gave a very beautiful tribiute to Anna. There was a beautiful violin solo by Liz Darling. She is a very accomplished violinist. It was amazing. Then the bishop spoke. It was very overwhelming. He looked like he was almost on fire. It was pretty cool. I have never seen anything like it. He apologized at the beginning of the service for losing his voice while he was conducting because he was getting over a cold. But when he stood there at the end of the service and testified of Jesus Christ and the truthfulness of the Gospel, and How Anna was with her Savior and was being taught the gospel, and that if they wanted to be a family agian, they would have to pray to their Heavenly Father so they would know what to do to be together forever. His voice became louder and clearer as he spoke. He looked so strong and powerful, so uncomprmising, so full of truth and righteousness, It was like he had become a conductor for the holy ghost and a current was flowing through him with so much power that I saw him shaking and full of light. I watched Anna's mother, who is not a member, but has been surrounded by the gospel all of her life, I saw her put her head down and nod in agreement, but she had to look away. It was such an unbelievable sense of the spirit of Heavenly Father in that chapel. No one could deny it. I have just felt so close to Heavenly Father all day. I feel like the whole experience has changed me. And I hope I can be better from this point on. I'll try harder. I'll do better. That's what things like this are for.
It is still a horrible loss for their family, and I know that they are in for some rough times ahead. But I hope they can lean on the truth of the gospel to get through it. I'll pray for them.
The clip below is from a video I watched a year ago with Derek. This song touched me so much. I have been thinking about it over the last few days. I had tried to find it on You tube before, but it has never been there, until now, when I really needed to find it. It's from Veggie Tales, but whoever wrote this song, has a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ, what the Atonement and Resurection meant, and what it means for us. It reminds me of the answers I have know all along. It's true.
(Pause My Playlist before you watch)
There is more to the Atonement than just "Believing", but that is the best place to start.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What's been on my mind lately...that I didn't know if I should post or not...
My next thought is wondering if I really have any friends who are going to stand by me next year.
I have Jeff. My sisters live so far away. I feel so guilty for all of the things that I have said and done. Gossip. backstabbing. Being weak. How do I go about repairing all of those things? Maybe forgive others who have done it to me? And just stop venting and complaining to others about people who upset me. Start constructing a new person for the new age I am entering into. My real and honest desire is just to be a good person, and a good friend. To make the world a better place. To help others. But how can I make the world better when there are so many idiots trying to destroy it? And how do I get Derek to take a nap.
So there, I start with my neighbors suicide, and then end up all about me agian. My mind is jumping all over the place. I'm not sure why I feel the need to throw all of these thoughts out there. But I do feel the need. And I love this new song from "the call" from "Prince Caspian". It seems very relevant to me today.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Derek's "DEE"

When Derek was just starting to learn to talk, he started all of his words with a "D" sound. "yeah" was "da", "this" was "dis", and for some reason, his blankee became "DEE".

He still loves his Dee. It is hard to get it away from him to wash it...and now it is so badly worn that I have to hand wash it in the sink with Woolite.
He loves to play with the crochet edges. Even though most of the edges are gone. I have sewn it back together a few times. It's funny how certian objects can mean so much. That DEE really does hold a lot of love from Derek. He walks around with it and says "Aw, DEE, I love my DEE". It makes him feel better whenever he is sad or afraid. Gives him comfort whenever he needs it. It is priceless. It is soft and relaxing, and there are lots of ways to hold it, and wrap it around. My job is to keep it intact for as long as I can.
Clint used to have a cute little bunny that he loved, that he had from the time he was a baby...It got left behind in California. It was terrible. Clint has recovered. Hopefully we can hold on to the DEE for a lot longer. Until it becomes vapor, or until all of the patches make a new blanket.
Father, Son, Thing...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Simple Science
This is our "Rainbow in a Bowl" experiment. It is good for hours of entertainment! It is really cool. I love to play with it too. You fill a pie plate half full of whole milk (2% works too, but not as well...the more fat the better, skim hardly works at all). Then put a few drops of food coloring in. Then dip a toothpick into some dish soap, and touch one of the drops of food coloring that is in the milk. The colors start swirling and stiring around like crazy. It's very cool to watch. There is some kind of a scientific explanation for why all of the colors move around...but I never paid much attention to why.
This is our "color mixing "experiment. We colored applesauce the 3 primary colors and then made the secondary colors by mixing them together. He has learned secondary colors from Blue's Clues...
But his colors usually end up brown...
Derek has also recently graduated to jigsaw puzzles.
I love doing puzzles with him. It's one of the few ways I can really get him to talk to me about things. Power Rangers, friends, how cute the animals and insects are in the puzzle that we are doing. How much he loves ladybugs, butterflies, caterpillars, and sharks. He is so cute and fun.
I can handle the art and science, but I still really don't enjoy playing Power Rangers!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Derek's Best Friend
Allison is Derek's best friend. They play almost every day. She is always willing to be the pink power ranger, and she is pretty tough.
We love that she lives right across the street. The Day's front yard is their Power Ranger Hideout. We are so grateful to have good, sweet neighbors who have accepted Derek's open yard policy.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Trip to This is the Place Park
The lighting was pretty bad. The performance was under a pavilion with the sun shining in right behind them. But they sounded pretty good.
Derek spent the entire time during the performance rolling around in the grass and pulling grass up and making nests and putting them on his head.
After the singing, Clint changed his clothes and we looked around at some of the monuments.
There was a plaque that had names of all of the original pioneers that first came into the Salt Lake Valley.
Derek and Clint's Great Great Grandfather is listed there. THOMAS BINGHAM
To those of you asking about performances, sorry I didn't get dates and times out to anyone. It all just happened so fast, and with PTA stuff I am just feeling so unorganized. I have got to take some time after school is out and really regroup. I have got to be more organized before next year. If you are interested in seeing Clint, his final show is next Friday, at 7:00 at Juan Diego High School. Let me know if you need some details. Other than that, I will try to do better next year. He also has a guital recital on the 2nd of June at Sandy Library. He would love to see anyone come to either one of those performances. I will try to post some video soon so you can see it if you can't make it.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Coolest Thing Ever...For book lovers...

I Typed in some of my favorite books:
Dealing with Dragons-Patricia C. Wrede
Uglies-Scott Westerfeld
Princess Academy - Shannon Hale
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - JK Rowling

Then I got this HTML listing:
The website suggests items you might like reading based on real readers' recommendations.
were the results:
Wicked Lovely |
Prince Caspian (Check) - CS Lewis; Pauline Baynes |
Talking to Dragons (Check...loved this one) - C. Wrede Patricia |
Among the Imposters (Love this series...haven't read this one yet) - Margaret Haddix |
Tantalize - Cynthia Leitich Smith |
High Wizardry - Diane Duane |
Alt Ed - Catherine Atkins |
Charlotte's Web (Check) I have already read some of these, but there are some new ones that I am looking forward to trying out! You should give it a try! Another really interesting one for literature is Enter the name of your favorite Author and you'll get a display of writers' names, with your pick at the center. The idea: The closer a name sits to your favorite author, the greater likelyhood that you'll enjoy that authors work. |
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mother's Day Cards
(Front of Card)

(Inside of Card)

(Jeff, You are so funny...thanks for keeping me laughing all of these years!)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
10 reasons why I love my Mom
1. She taught me what real beauty was all about.
2. She laughs easily and often, and finds humor in even difficult situations.
3. She has taught all of her daughters how to be a good and loyal wife, and how to be sweet, loving, and supportive to our husbands no matter what.
4. She taught us to have a love for music.
5. She has taught us to "save our kisses for our sweetheart".
6. She can be a real bad-a_ _, especially if some big tough kids steal her son's bike.
7. She taught us to have hope for the future.
8. She has sacrificed for all of her children, more than we could ever know, and she still does.
9. She is smart. She knows more about grammar than anyone I know, and she has shared with her children a love of reading, books, and language.
10. She taught us the gospel and has always been a perfect example of having faith and believing in miracles. She Taught us how to pray, and read the scriptures, and to turn to Heavenly Father for help. To be active in the church and always be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Taught us by example that Heavenly Father will help us if we help ourselves...that there is always a way.
We are who we are because of you Mom. Thank you for all the years of being there for us. Being an example, and a listening ear, giving advice, praying in our behalf. We couldn't have done it without you...and everything we have become is because of you and Dad. We are so lucky to have you for our parents.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
- Work out---Derek only let me do 1/2 hour of my video...typical...I need to get up at 6 a.m.
- Walk Rex --twice--2 times each around the block for leg rehab
- Drop off teacher birthday gifts
- Deliver jog-a-thon fliers to local businesses for sponsors
- Play board games with Derek
- Take Derek to the Park
- Get Groceries ( used to enjoy dread it with a 3-yr. old.
- (Derek used to be so easy to take everywhere...I used to take him to the gym every day...he used to be great in the shopping cart at the store...Everything changed at about 2&1/2.) Still love being a mom...but the baby stage was much easier to actually get things done. Maybe the problem is that when he was a baby I wasn't PTA President Elect...Next year is only going to be worse. I wish I would have waited...I forgot why I said I would do it.)
- Call Members of PTA Board for next year
- Find a babysitter for PTA State Convention for next Friday
- Clint's Dress Rehearsal for Singing Program 5 p.m.
- Help Clint finish State Report Due tomorrow
- School Carnival 5-8 p.m. (I need to stop by and make an appearance sometime during the night.)
- Friends Lia Sophia party 6:30 p.m.
- Stake Primary Meeting 7:00 p.m.
- Put Laundry Away
- Clean Kitchen
- Send Mother's Day Gifts (sorry mom, it's probably going to be late).
- Clean TV room
- Pay Bills
These are all things that absolutely have to be done today. So why am I wasting time on my blog? I am waiting for the caffeine from my diet coke to kick in that I recently gave up...and started again this week...And oh yeah, I quit Target. I already have a full time bad I don't get paid.
Sunday, May 4, 2008

It is harder for me to get to movies right now. Babysitters are more of a challenge these days. And I really just love to go with Jeff. We really do have the same taste in of the few things we have in common. Although there are a few really stupid ones that Jeff likes that I absolutely hate...(Like the 5th Element...I hate that movie...stupidest movie ever made...Jeff loves it for some must appeal to his juvenile stupid!) But most other movies we agree on. And he understands. He understands why I cried in Meet the Robinsons and Enchanted...not everyone does. It's nice that he understands and I don't have to explain my reasons to him. But I loved Iron Man...and I am so excited to take my little mini-vacation several other times this spring and summer! Movies are all I need!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Rex Update
Puppy love: Sandy rallying for Rex
By Steve Koecher
Close-Up Correspondent
Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated:
Here is the link at the Salt Lake Tribune on line:
"A special dog and a special owner have touched their community. Clint Bingham had a dog, Rex, since he was 2. He has grown to love his dog more than anything. The Golden Retriever was a community favorite in his Sandy neighborhood. "It's hard not to smile when you see Rex," said Corbin Robinett, a friend of Clint. Rex loved to play in the water, the snow, go on walks and chase down tennis balls. When running in a dog park Rex tore a ligament in his knee; giving him extreme pain trying to walk. The vet said it would cost $2,200 to operate on Rex. At the same time, the car and the furnace broke and the family had a tough decision to make. They decided they couldn't afford the operation. Clint was heartbroken. He told his grandparents about it on the phone, and they promised to help a bit. Gaining courage, he went into action. He told his classmates his troubles. They got together and decided to run a lemonade stand for Rex. On March 21, Corbin Robinett, Bailey Robinett, Matthew Earl and Clint had the day off from school and used it to full advantage. With a donated lemonade stand, they sold lemonade from morning to evening. Luckily they live near the end of the street where traffic on Sego Lily Drive backs up as the TRAX train passes. The "Help Rex" campaign made more than $182 that day selling Crystal Light and yellow lemonade.
The following Monday they earned another $36.10. Rex wasn't going to sit this one out. He stood by the lemonade stand using his animal charm to attract customers. Often lemonade-purchasers would stop to pet him. The children became really excited when one gentleman donated $20 and later returned to donate $20 more. Other classmates got in the act too. Sammy Rivera, Kelsey Mower and Gwen Jeffries decided they would make cookies. They made $50 selling chocolate and double chocolate cookies in Sammy's front yard. Rachel Bingham, Clint's mom, felt compelled to help as well. Clint went to houses in his LDS Ward taking orders for five types of pies: apple, chocolate cream, lemon meringue and bread pudding. He got 32 orders for pies on the Tuesday before Easter. Rachel spent all Saturday with the help of her sister, Kim, making the pies. Saturday night, Clint delivered the pies. They made more than $900 from donations for pies. Other family members made donations. Cottonwood Animal Hospital set up a donation fund in which Clint's aunts and uncles, cousin and grandparents made donations. The fund even received some anonymous donations. Last but not least, Clint agreed to forgo his allowance for a whole year. With the help of so many individuals, Rex was able to have his surgery and is expected to be his old self in no time. Clint and his friends have learned the value and support of a good community when in need. In addition, with each other's help, they can accomplish big things. "Get out and help your neighbors. You'll want someone to help you when you're going through a tough time," Corbin said. "There are a lot of more important things than saving a dog," said Rachel Bingham. "But for these kids, it's all about learning to serve."
Friday, May 2, 2008
Rex's Newspaper Article...
Right now Derek needs me to play Hot Wheels Shake 'um Up.