Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving Gingerbread Houses
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
From my sister...
Thomas Sowell is African-American, Korean War Veteran, and Stanford University Economics professor. Very good read on the protesting in California with Prop. 8 November 18, 2008
The Right to Win
By Thomas SowellAmong the many new "rights" being conjured out of thin air, a new one seems to be a "right" to win.Americans have long had the right to put their candidates and their ideas to a vote. Now there seems to be a sense that your rights have been trampled on if you don't win.Hillary Clinton's supporters were not merely disappointed, but outraged, when she lost the Democrats' nomination to Barack Obama. Some took it as a sign that, while racial barriers had come down, the "glass ceiling" holding down women was still in place.Apparently, if you don't win, somebody has put up a barrier or a ceiling. The more obvious explanation of the nomination outcome was that Obama ran a better campaign than Hillary. There is not the slightest reason to doubt that she would have been the nominee if the votes in the primaries had come out her way.As the election approached, pundits warned that, if Obama lost, there would be riots in the ghetto. We will never know. But since when does any candidate have a right to win any office, much less the White House?The worst of all the reactions from people who act as if they have a right to win have come from gay activists in the wake of voter rejection of so-called "gay marriage," which is to say, redefining what marriage has meant for centuries.Blacks and Mormons have been the main targets of the gay activists' anger. Seventy percent of blacks voted against gay marriage in California, so racial epithets were hurled at blacks in Los Angeles-- not in black neighborhoods, by the way.Blacks who just happened to be driving through Westwood, near UCLA, were accosted in their cars and, in addition to being denounced, were warned, "You better watch your back."Even blacks who were carrying signs in favor of gay marriage were denounced with racial epithets.In Michigan, an evangelical church service was invaded and disrupted by gay activists, who also set off a fire alarm, because evangelicals had dared to exercise their right to express their opinions at the polls.In Oakland, California, a mob gathered outside a Mormon temple in such numbers that officials shut down a nearby freeway exit for more than three hours. In their midst was a San Francisco Supervisor who said "The Mormon church has had to rely on our tolerance in the past, to be able to express their beliefs." He added, "This is a huge mistake for them. It looks like they've forgotten some lessons."Apparently Mormons don't have the same rights as other Americans, at least not if they don't vote the way gay activists want them to vote.There was another gay activist mob gathered outside a Mormon temple in Orange County, California.In the past, gay activists have disrupted Catholic services and their "gay pride" parades in San Francisco have crudely mocked nuns.While demanding tolerance from others, gay activists apparently feel no need to show any themselves.How did we get to this kind of situation?With all the various groups who act as if they have a right to win, we got to the present situation over the years, going back to the 1960s, where the idea started gaining acceptance that people who felt aggrieved don't have to follow the rules or even the law."No justice, no peace!" was a slogan that found resonance.Like so many slogans, it sounds good if you don't stop and think-- and awful if you do.Almost by definition, everybody thinks their cause is just. Does that mean that nobody has to obey the rules? That is called anarchy.Nobody is in favor of anarchy. But some people want everybody else to obey the rules, while they don't have to.What they want is not decisive, however. It is what other people are willing to tolerate that determines how far any group can go. When the majority of the people become like sheep, who will tolerate intolerance rather than make a fuss, then there is no limit to how far any group will go.
Copyright 2008, Creators Syndicate Inc.
Page Printed from: at November 18, 2008 - 03:03:17 AM PST
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tag from Lisa
8 TV shows I like to watch:
1. The Office
2. Oprah
3. The Soup
4. Desperate Housewives
5. House
6. Everyday Italian
7. Arrested Development (off-air...I love the DVD's--I have all 3 seasons)
8. American Idol
8 Things that happened yesterday
1. Made French Toast
2. Got Clint off to school
3.Went for a walk with Derek and Rex
4. Played with Kooy and Derek and Rex in the leaves outside
5. Did the dishes
6. Watched Oprah while Derek played on the computer
7. Cooked a Frozen Pizza for Derek and Clint
8. Went to see 007 Quantum of Solace with Jeff
8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Cafe Rio
2. Wingers
3. Quiznos
4. Olive Garden
5. Paradise Bakery
6. Leger's
7. The Bamboo Hut (Provo)
8. Barnes and Nobel for Hot Chocolate
8 Things I look forward to:
1. Thanksgiving
2. The PTA Fundraiser being over
3. Christmas Eve
4. Christmas
5. Movies--(Bedtime Stories, and Bolt)
6. Jeff's Day off
7. Spring
8. Vacation (Summer)
8 things on my wishlist:
1. New Camera (dig. SLR, 8 megapix.)
2. Pink Kitchen-Aide
3. House Finished
4. Lots of money
5. A house big enough for a tread mill
6. Pedicure
7. Tea pot
8. New Flat Iron
8 people I tag:
1. Amber
2. Andi
3. Michelle
4. Shelli
5. Chelsea
6. Wendy (yeah, right)
7. Janet
8. Anyone who wants to do it!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What goes "Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya" all the way home?
Answer: Derek and Kooyman at 11 PM after Disney on Ice and 2 Giant Snowcones!
Last Friday, I went with some BFF's and Clint and Derek to Disney on Ice. I am so happy to have friends who get Disney and all it means to me. Not everyone does.
Clint and Landen both really liked the Mulan part. The War was pretty cool, especially all of the pyrotechnics that were going off.
Derek loved The Incredibles, and Kooyman loved Mickey Mouse, but they both also really liked Stitch.
And I still am a sucker for the Princesses....
It means something to me...and even if I can't make it to Disneyland all the time, A movie, video, or Disney on Ice will help me get through it all. Hopes, Dreams, Faith, and everything that is good in the world is what Disney Represents. It helps me keep in touch with the person that I am always striving to be...even though I don't think I'll ever get there.
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Colored Pasta...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Physical Science Pre-101
NO adult assembly required...

Michael, Clint, Janet and Marion spent their day off last Friday making an amazing snow fort...All by themselves!

Pretty amazing design and even had windows.

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Good shots...Bad Camera
Friday, November 7, 2008
The rift is about to get bigger....
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Well...Oprah likes him
It is no secret that I am a Republican. We have a new President...and he is not a Republican. But as an American, I feel that the office of the President of the United States deserves respect. He is going to be our President. He represents who we are. I have spent the last few days since the election researching some things that I can support him on. It wasn't easy. Some of the issues that are the most important to me, he disagrees with. Some of these things, like Partial-Birth Abortion, which is one of the most horrific and evil practices ever known to man, is currently outlawed by the Supreme Court. So for now, it would be difficult for him to overturn it, regardless of his opinions on the matter.
That being said, these are a few of the things that I can support him on, and I am hopeful that maybe he is right.
I feel the War was necessary. I, however, also hate it. I hate families being torn apart, I hate the hardships that our soldiers have to endure, I hate the causalities of innocent civilians and especially children that have to experience horrible things. But I think horrible actions need to be taken at times. I think it was a difficult decision to make at a time when difficult decisions were needed. I think in the future, more Americans will realize that Bush was a good President.
I hope that maybe through diplomacy, many things can be resolved. I am willing to support Obama in his desire to try a new approach. And I hope and pray that he is successful. But if he is, that does not mean that what Bush did was wrong at the time.
Obama supports the death penalty for certain crimes. So do I.
He says he wants to maintain hunting traditions and would not take guns away. He is backed by both the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the American Hunters and Shooters Association.
He opposes gay marriage but also opposes a federal constitutional amendment to ban it, as well as a California effort to ban it; supports civil unions. I do support a constitutional amendment to ban it. I have thought about my feelings on this particular issue for a long time. It is not that I am not sympathetic to those who have that type of lifestyle. And I realize that the reasons for the lifestyles are complicated. I believe that it is not as simple as choosing to be gay. I know there are biological, as well as psychological reasons for this lifestyle. But that does not make it right. Even if you take God out of the equation, it is not the way Nature intended us to be. It is deviant from the way our bodies were created. So I do feel the practice is wrong. And should not be condoned. And marriage makes it all the more acceptable. It is not. It is something that should be kept private by the people who choose to live that way. And it violates MY freedom of speech to re-define marriage. But it seems more and more that you really only have Freedom of Speech if you are liberal. Conservatives are not allowed to express themselves. It is VERY unfair.
He Supports gay adoptions--I think older foster children may be able to benefit from this type of situation.
He supports in part President Bush's No Child Left Behind Act
He Believes this law is good in concept but poor in design, funding and implementation
Would rewrite the law, retaining its emphasis on high standards and accountability but offering more help to high-need schools, including training thousands of new teachers to serve in them. Believes the law is good in concept but needs funding and better measurement of student progress.
I think I agree with this.
Obama would strive for universal coverage by establishing a new federal health plan for the uninsured, providing benefits comparable to those offered to federal employees. Premiums would be subsidized for low earners. Eligibility for other public programs — Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Plan — would be expanded. Mr. Obama also would establish a government exchange that would allow individuals to shop for the new public plan and approved private plans. --I agree all children need to be covered--as well as Veterans, and Seniors. I am not sure how I feel about everything else. There are people who take advantage of Welfare programs.
Agree with Immigration laws--not perfect policy, but the best option that is out there. And something needs to be done.
Obama may be able to help the workers in the auto industry. I hope he can. Being from Detroit, I have witnessed some of mistakes that greedy, selfish and unethical corporations have made that have affected the opportunities of the working Americans. Americans who want to work, who have had jobs ripped away from them so corporations can exploit workers in other countries to make big bucks. I may even have a liberal view on this. We need to help each other in this country by keeping jobs for our workers here. It would benefit us all.
Iran,Iraq, and Afghanistan--I hope he knows what he is doing.
Russia--I have been following the Russian/Georgia conflict, ever since the Olympics. I think America, as the most powerful country in the world, needs to help fledgling democracies. I know America helps. I also know that we are criticised whether we help, or not. Usually help means some kind of military action. The same people complain if we do, and if we don't. I agree in part with Obama that we need our allies to stand up to Russia. If they take Georgia, what will they try to take next? Also, Georgia really stands for something in a part of the world where hope, Democracy, and Freedom don't exist. The leader Mikheil Saakashvili reminds me of an American Founding Father. I have just been so impressed with him and his political philosophy on Democracy. We have to help people and countries like that. I hope and pray we do.
My mind is still just racing. There is so much more I want to say and learn about. The Internet makes knowledge so easy. It is a real goal of mine to become more locally knowledgeable about the politics in my community. When I went to vote, I was a little overwhelmed about all of the state issues that needed to be voted on, and I knew about so few. I skipped the ones I hadn't heard about. But I need to be more knowledgeable about local things.
Is anyone still reading?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008
A few Fall Activities
Clint and Derek at the Pumpkin Patch.
Goodbye, Halloween
(In the picture is Matthew, (football player), Clint (Indiana Jones), Derek, would not wear his batman costume, so he is wearing Clint's old skeleton costume, Kooyman, (Skeleton), Jeff (Homer), Matt (Chicken), Richard (Scary skeleton).
Thanks Chelsea!

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Batman, Batman
- There are 2 superpowers: 1, an agent of Chaos, the Joker, and the other, still Chaotic, but good, Batman
- Rachel has to choose between 2 men
- There are 2 boats
- There is 2 face
- 2 sides of the coin
- Batman has 2 identities
- This is even the 2nd of the 2 Batman Movies
There will always be good and evil, black and white, right and wrong. We all need to decide what side we are on. So here are 10 things that I love/hate about the Batman movie. (Spoiler Alert)
Love: Heath Ledger as the Joker. Thought he was brilliant and a lot more enjoyable the second time. Hate: That he was not in the movie more. Not enough Joker- Love: The Bat mobile and the Bat Cycle. Hate: When I thought the commissioner was really dead for 15 min. the first time I saw it.
- Love: The few good guys; Alfred, The Commissioner, and Lucius Hate: So many corrupt police officers, and how Harvey Dent succumbed so quickly and easily to evil. I didn't believe it for a second. Although, the joker said that your true nature is revealed when you are close to death...maybe Harvey Dent just alwasy had everybody fooled...maybe he never really was all that we thought and hoped he was, and it took his accident to reveal it. RAchel was still good and strong when she realized that she was going to die. Batman had the same tragedy that he had to deal with, but it made him much to think about.
- Love: That Christian Bale makes a great Batman Hate: Maggie G. as Rachel
- Love: That Batman is also Chaotic and unpredictable, just like the Joker. Hate: That Heath Ledger is dead.
- Love: That Alfred is so loyal, and he told Batman that to catch the bad guys, he had to burn the jungle down. Made sense that Batman had to do whatever was necessary to stop the Joker. Tap all of the phones in Gotham to stop him. Very conservative move. Sometimes it's necessary. Hate: That Rachel dies, and whenever kids were involved, I don't like that
- Love: That Batman had to break laws to catch the Joker and realizes that taping phones was the only way, and he did it. Hate: He took the fall for Harvey Dent at the end. Although, that is probably the most heroic thing he could do, but to give Gotham Harvey Dent's reputation is a lie. He is the real Hero and what Gotham really needs.
- Love: The boat stand off, and how the criminals did the right thing, and Batman had faith that they would, which is why he does what he does for the people of Gotham. Hate: That the boat scene, which could have been a real turning point for the movie, was not accentuated enough, and was just kind of swept under the rug.
- Love: That Batman and the Joker do what they do for deep and meaningful motives. Not for money, but because of what they represent. Hate: That Gotham looks like Chicago or New York, and not like Gotham.
- Love: Batman Hate: Having to wait a long time for the next Batman movie
So, now that you know how I feel, Check out Chlesea's latest drawing of the Dark Knight, with the greatest line of the movie: Batman "A silent Gardian, A watchful protector". I love a good superhero. I love things that represent what is possible, if we believe, and hope for a better world.