Monday, April 28, 2008
Mommie and Derek---I love my little boy!
I don't have very many pictures of myself on my blog, mostly because I am always behind the camera...but my sister Wendy was here Sunday and got some shots of me pushing Derek on the neighbors swing. As you can see, she is an amazing photographer who can make anyone look good. I hate that my sisters live so far away! 

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Our fun continued this week with a trip to the Living Planet Aquarium. Unfortunately my camera battery died. There were a lot of people there which is unusual for a week day. We had a fun time looking at all of the fish. Garrett and Preston loved the coral reef play area. Derek loves to watch the sharks. I feel bad for the sharks. I don't think they look too good. I think they know that they are not in California any more, and they are probably depressed.
By the way, it was SNOWING when we came out. Talk about Depressing! We had to run to the car in a BLIZZARD with NO coats on...it was nice and warm when we went into the Aquarium! Crazy weather.
Friday night, Our Elementary School had one of their annual family skate nights the local skating rink. My kids don't skate, so I paid extra for the Bounce Zone and the Jungle play area. The kids had fun, and after an hour of getting really hot and sweaty, we got an Icee for everyone...Derek and Preston got red, Clint and Garrett got blue. And then for some strange reason they all were running around until 11:00 PM.
On Saturday morning, we got everyone in the car and drove to Ogden to go to the Dinosaur Park. The boys loved the Playground, of course. But they also loved exploring all of the trails and learning about all of the giant dinosaur statues. Their favorite part of all was investigating the "Mystery Trail" which is just where they keep all of the mistakes that they made while they were first creating the Park. Dinosaurs that never really existed, and stuff like that. There was some giant frog-like creature, dinosaurs that look more like dragons, giant bugs, snakes and big, ugly prehistoric rat-like things, which I don't think lived at the same time as dinosaurs. But I am no expert...I'll have to chech with Clint. There are sound effects all over the park, and big speakers. There is a volcano that Garrett was absolutly positive was a real volcano. It was a great day. I think they enjoyed the Park even more than the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. I think it was definately more fun! And less expensive too! Win/Win! They also got to dig for their own gem stones at the rock quarry. That was really cool.
Derek, Preston and Garrett didn't get to bed before 9:00 all week. And surprisingly, they took very few naps. But they still usually got along. They are all very good boys. We are really going to miss having them around. We wish they lived closer to us so that we could see them more often. My house is an absolute disaster, I think that maybe I cooked dinner twice this past week, I have piles and piles of laundry, there is dog hair everywhere, and We are completely out of towels...But I have had a great week...and I will always choose having fun with kids over housework. I can let it go for quite a while...If only it would just all magically get done. I try to ignore it for as long as I can...but eventually I have to deal with it. Maybe someday I can afford maid service...until then, I'll clean every once in a while, but only when I absolutley have to.
Before you start the smileboxes, find the Jurassic Park theme on my "playlist" for the full effect. The song lasts through both smileboxes and makes a perfect soundtrack for our Cousin Dinosaur Adventure.
By the way, it was SNOWING when we came out. Talk about Depressing! We had to run to the car in a BLIZZARD with NO coats on...it was nice and warm when we went into the Aquarium! Crazy weather.

Before you start the smileboxes, find the Jurassic Park theme on my "playlist" for the full effect. The song lasts through both smileboxes and makes a perfect soundtrack for our Cousin Dinosaur Adventure.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Bad Day
Am I the only one who feels like sometimes I am absolutly surrounded by Selfish Idiots? Or maybe I am the idiot for putting myself in the middle of all of them. (readers of my blog are excluded from my Idiots list, just so you know.) I've been on the phone all afternoon trying to fill slots for my PTA board next year...and then...oh never mind...I'll just write something I regret...I'm just going to leave it at this...one more time...I am surrounded by Selfish idiots! They are everywhere, in every aspect of my life. But I am grateful for some of my real friends who throw me a rope sometimes, when I really need one. And I quit Target. That one extra commitment almost pushed me over the edge. Jeff decided that he would rather have a sane wife then an extra $400 a month. I'll go back to teaching part time when Derek is in first grade. We will just financially limp along until then. We'll make it. I'm having kind of a bad day, can you tell?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Our Secret Garden
Sego Lily Gardens / Water Wise Landscapes

A few people have asked about Sego Lily Gardens...I guess it's not our little secret anymore. It really is a nice place...perfect for family photograhs. And best of all, it's free! Check it out this spring...but don't tell too many people. The best thing about it is that not many people know it's there:)
"...Sego Lily Gardens first opened in August of 1999. The Garden is one of the first demonstration gardens along the Wasatch Front to emphasize low-water use plants and landscaping. Sego Lily Gardens is located at 1472 East Sego Lily Drive (10200 South). It is open from Spring through Fall. For more information about Sego Lily Gardens, or if interested in volunteering, please call 568-6087, or visit the web page at http://sandy.utah.gov/government/public-utilities/water-conservation/sego-lily-gardens-water-wise-landscapes.html"

A few people have asked about Sego Lily Gardens...I guess it's not our little secret anymore. It really is a nice place...perfect for family photograhs. And best of all, it's free! Check it out this spring...but don't tell too many people. The best thing about it is that not many people know it's there:)
"...Sego Lily Gardens first opened in August of 1999. The Garden is one of the first demonstration gardens along the Wasatch Front to emphasize low-water use plants and landscaping. Sego Lily Gardens is located at 1472 East Sego Lily Drive (10200 South). It is open from Spring through Fall. For more information about Sego Lily Gardens, or if interested in volunteering, please call 568-6087, or visit the web page at http://sandy.utah.gov/government/public-utilities/water-conservation/sego-lily-gardens-water-wise-landscapes.html"
Cousins Are Fun!!!
Garrett and Preston got here on Thursday night. We have been having a lot of fun here ever since. Saturday we went to Sego Lily gardens...it's a little public garden that no one knows about. It was fun. Preston had one of his first experiences with a port-a-potty. I don't think he liked it too much.
Derek usually hates to take baths. It is a lot more fun if you have some squirt guns and friends to get into the tub with you.

"Two little monkeys jumping on the bed..."
Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point...The Tunnel of Time was a little scary, but the rest of the museum was Awesome! The Erosion Table was the best...Sand and Water make great toys!

Swimming was one of everyones favorite activities.
And it really wears little boys out!
"Two little monkeys jumping on the bed..."
Swimming was one of everyones favorite activities.
And it really wears little boys out!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
You Go Girls!!!
So my sister Shelli and her daughter Amber decided to only do half a marathon this year..."only"...right. (Pause "my playlist" before you watch)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Cousin Vacation!!!
Garrett and Preston are going to be staying with us this next week while their Mom and Dad (Jeff's brother Scott, and Shannon) are away on a little anniversary trip. Derek and Preston are already best friends, and Derek is so happy that we have another willing Power Ranger around to do flips and tricks with. Garrett is 5 and he thinks Clint is the greatest, and since Clint loves to be adored, he hasn't seemed to mind too much that he has a new little shadow following him around everywhere. The boys are great. It will be a fun week! We are hopeing for lots of sunshine, and lots of time outside!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My favorite Artist
My niece Chelsea drew this picture of Derek for Christmas last year, and I love it so much because it just really captured his little two year old personality. It is amazing to me that anyone can draw real expressions, and there is just so much depth in the eyes, the picture just has an actual feel to it. Chelsea is incredible. She is on a full scholarship at BYU, and you can see why. We can all expect great things from her in the future. You can check out some of her other art work at the "Chelsea's Art" link under my "Favorite Places" on the right bar.

Monday, April 14, 2008
I'm a "Considerate Idealist"
Another personality test...I get sucked into these things all the time...Do you think it's accurate
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Say goodbye to Winter!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
ABC's Tag
ABC's Tagged...
A. ATTACHED OR SINGLE? Attached to my husband Jeff (heart)
B: BEST FRIENDS? Jeff, of course, my sisters and family, and too many other sweet people to name...I would name a bunch and accidently leave someone out and feel terrible, I love you all!!
C: CAKE OR PIE? Hmmmm, that's a tough one...but I do love frosting...I know lots of people who think it's gross...and I love how pretty cakes can look when they are decorated...I would like to take a class...anyone else interested??? But I do love pie too! Desserts are my favorite. I've never met one I didn't like...
D: DAY OF CHOICE? Wednesday...That is usually Jeff's day off
E: ESSENTIAL ITEMS? Motrin, Bath and Body works Grapefruit lotion, Aussie scrunch spray, my straightning iron for when I want to look nice...which isn't too often:)
F: FAVORITE COLORS? Pink and Purple
G: GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? Gummy bears- but I don't really eat much candy. I'm much more of a cookies or chocolate kinda girl. (Amber's answer...but that's me too)
H: HOMETOWN? Pontiac, Michigan
I: FAVORITE INDULGENCE? Blogging, See's Chocolated, Reading in the bathtub, American Idol, Arrested Development, and the Office. (Finally a new episode is on tonight!!!!)
J: JANUARY OR JULY? July-I love summer, especially with little kids!
K: KIDS? Clint-10, Derek-3, Loves of my life!
L: LIFE ISN'T COMPLETE WITHOUT: My family (Amen to that...Agian, Amber)
M: MARRIAGE DATE? July 23, 1993 (Wow, 15 years this summer!!!)
N: NUMBER OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS? 3 older sisters, 1 younger Brother
O: ORANGES OR APPLES? I love oranges, if I can find good ones, they are hard to come by in Utah for some reason.
P: PHOBIA OR FEARS? Sharks...I saw Jaws when I was 8.
Q: QUOTE? ""All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."--Walt Disney
R: REASONS TO SMILE? My sweet boys doing what is right, or being funny...And Jeff is pretty funny too!
S: SUPERMAN OR WONDER WOMAN? I know lots of Wonder Women
T: TAG 5 PEOPLE: Lisa, Miranda, Chelsea, Kimm, Laryl (good way to start a blog out), and anyone else who reads this.
U: UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME? I was mugged at gunpoint with my sister Shelli and my mom when I was in 9th grade. (We've all recovered from the trauma!)
V: VEGETABLE? Carrots. They are the easiest to eat on the run.
W: WORST HABIT? Picking at the dead skin on my heels. Ewww I know it's gross, but I am really trying hard to pumice stone them and put lots of lotion so they aren't as bad.
X: X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND? I've had both. Ultrasounds are definately more exciting!
Y: YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? Cafe Rio pork tacos, Lime tortilla chips with "Newmans Own" salsa, sticky fingers salad from Wingers, See's chocolates, any kind of desserets.
A. ATTACHED OR SINGLE? Attached to my husband Jeff (heart)
B: BEST FRIENDS? Jeff, of course, my sisters and family, and too many other sweet people to name...I would name a bunch and accidently leave someone out and feel terrible, I love you all!!
C: CAKE OR PIE? Hmmmm, that's a tough one...but I do love frosting...I know lots of people who think it's gross...and I love how pretty cakes can look when they are decorated...I would like to take a class...anyone else interested??? But I do love pie too! Desserts are my favorite. I've never met one I didn't like...
D: DAY OF CHOICE? Wednesday...That is usually Jeff's day off
E: ESSENTIAL ITEMS? Motrin, Bath and Body works Grapefruit lotion, Aussie scrunch spray, my straightning iron for when I want to look nice...which isn't too often:)
F: FAVORITE COLORS? Pink and Purple
G: GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? Gummy bears- but I don't really eat much candy. I'm much more of a cookies or chocolate kinda girl. (Amber's answer...but that's me too)
H: HOMETOWN? Pontiac, Michigan
I: FAVORITE INDULGENCE? Blogging, See's Chocolated, Reading in the bathtub, American Idol, Arrested Development, and the Office. (Finally a new episode is on tonight!!!!)
J: JANUARY OR JULY? July-I love summer, especially with little kids!
K: KIDS? Clint-10, Derek-3, Loves of my life!
L: LIFE ISN'T COMPLETE WITHOUT: My family (Amen to that...Agian, Amber)
M: MARRIAGE DATE? July 23, 1993 (Wow, 15 years this summer!!!)
N: NUMBER OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS? 3 older sisters, 1 younger Brother
O: ORANGES OR APPLES? I love oranges, if I can find good ones, they are hard to come by in Utah for some reason.
P: PHOBIA OR FEARS? Sharks...I saw Jaws when I was 8.
Q: QUOTE? ""All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."--Walt Disney
R: REASONS TO SMILE? My sweet boys doing what is right, or being funny...And Jeff is pretty funny too!
S: SUPERMAN OR WONDER WOMAN? I know lots of Wonder Women
T: TAG 5 PEOPLE: Lisa, Miranda, Chelsea, Kimm, Laryl (good way to start a blog out), and anyone else who reads this.
U: UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME? I was mugged at gunpoint with my sister Shelli and my mom when I was in 9th grade. (We've all recovered from the trauma!)
V: VEGETABLE? Carrots. They are the easiest to eat on the run.
W: WORST HABIT? Picking at the dead skin on my heels. Ewww I know it's gross, but I am really trying hard to pumice stone them and put lots of lotion so they aren't as bad.
X: X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND? I've had both. Ultrasounds are definately more exciting!
Y: YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? Cafe Rio pork tacos, Lime tortilla chips with "Newmans Own" salsa, sticky fingers salad from Wingers, See's chocolates, any kind of desserets.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I started working at Target today. It's just 3 nights a week. It's easy. The hardest part is that I am making 1/3 of what my hourly teaching salary was. But I am home all day, I don't have any home work, and I don't have to do any lesson plans, and I don't go in until after Jeff gets home from work. I am planning on going back to teaching when Derek is in 1st grade. I'm not thrilled about working, but it's temporary...hopefully. We need to pay a few things off. And it's only 3 nights a week. They are really good about working with my schedule, and if they're not...I'll quit!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Conference Cupcakes...
Saturday, April 5, 2008
April Fools!!!
I made Clint and some of his friends a special strawberry drink that is really good. "You will love it!!!"

"Hey, wait a minute...there is something wrong with my straw...Hey...what's going on"???!!!

"April Fools!!!" It's jell-o!!! Even though the last picture is blurry, it gets Mason's expression when he realizes it's jello...pretty fun stuff!
"Hey, wait a minute...there is something wrong with my straw...Hey...what's going on"???!!!
"April Fools!!!" It's jell-o!!! Even though the last picture is blurry, it gets Mason's expression when he realizes it's jello...pretty fun stuff!
The Salt Lake Tribune and Rex...
Clint and his friends had their interview on Friday with the Salt Lake Tribune. I just sat and listened and was very impressed with the kids and their ability to express their concerns and desires to the reporter...who was also very sweet and great with the kids. The story is going to be in the Friday edition, but he said the stories were about 2 or 3 weeks out...so I'll be buying the Friday paper for the next couple of weeks. It was very exciting for Clint and all of his friends. And I think that they are missing all of the excitement. They told the reporter that they are thinking of doing a fundraiser for Golden Retriever Rescue in the summer. They keep saying that it was a blast! They are good kids...and I think they felt really good and excited for what they have all accomplished! I am very proud of all of them! The total amount raised for Rex was $1928.32 (pie sales and family contributions, and a $226.32 kool-aid sale, and Clint's allowance and sweet friends who care.) It's unbelievable. And it's been a life-changing experience for Clint and his friends.
Just Catching Up...
I've had these smileboxes for a while and never got around to posting them...I know what some of you are thinking.... We all have the same amount of time on our hands...We all just use it diffrently.
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Friday, April 4, 2008
What has Derek been doing????
While Clint has been out changing the world and winning science fairs...Derek has been having lots of fun. He recently discovered Superfriends Concentration, which has become his favorite game that everyone in the family has to take turns playing with him. He is learning all the names of all the superheros! That is very important stuff.

He loves to make us laugh, and really is the clown of the family...

He loves to climb trees, and race whoever he can and always reminds us that no matter where we are going, it is a race "I'm donna win!!!!" (He doesn't say "G" sounds either...)I love the way he talks.

He also has lots of really good friends that he likes to play with. He likes to make messes and do projects...I guess a clean kitchen really is not the most important thing....right?
I'm really grateful that he is still so little and cute and fun and I try not to think about him growing up so fast. I'm having the time of my life being his mom.
He loves to make us laugh, and really is the clown of the family...
He loves to climb trees, and race whoever he can and always reminds us that no matter where we are going, it is a race "I'm donna win!!!!" (He doesn't say "G" sounds either...)I love the way he talks.
He also has lots of really good friends that he likes to play with. He likes to make messes and do projects...I guess a clean kitchen really is not the most important thing....right?
I'm really grateful that he is still so little and cute and fun and I try not to think about him growing up so fast. I'm having the time of my life being his mom.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
"It's a sunny day" by Derek
Conversation with Derek:
(Read without pronouncing the "s" Derek does not say "s")
Derek: "Mommy...It's a (s)unny day..."
Me, still laying in bed: "Yes, Derek, it's a sunny day."
Derek: "Mommy, it's a (s)unny day!"
Me: Yes Derek it is sunny
Derek: "It's a nice day...It's not a angry day...it's a happy day....
He's right....I love my little boy.
And he likes to pretend that his shirt is a silly hat.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
It's 11:00 pm...
I can't stop thinking about that little girl who was just found yesterday murdered in Salt Lake City. And how trivial everything in my life seems right now. I feel sick inside for her family. I tried not to think about it. Derek never takes naps, so when he took one today, it was really nice to have some extra computer time. I didn't want to think about it then. It is all too horrible, and I feel so powerless, and selfish for being so wrapped up in my own problems. Recently, so many people have done so much for me. What can I do for this poor family. Zion's bank has a fund set up for them so people can send donations...I will definately do what I can there...It just makes me sick. The Salt Lake Tribune called again today and Friday they are coming to do the story on Rex and Clint and all of his friends raising money...how can we talk about it now? I feel guilty and undeserving. I don't know what I am trying to accomplish by writing about this. I guess at times like these, maybe we need to be reminded the most, that even though evil exists, many people are good and they want to help. Sometimes we just don't know how. There is a quote from the movie A Series of Unfortunate Events that is not in the books. It is when the Baudelaire children find a lost letter from their parents. I keep thinking about it now. "At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe us when we say there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events, may, in-fact be the first steps of a journey..." I don't have any real answers...but I will pray for that family...and I will always try to do what I can...Just like so many people did for my family, I will try to do whatever I can, in small ways to make the world a better place. Even if it is only a small corner of the world...we all have to try.
More on Video Games Live (Jeff, Clint & Me at Abravenal Hall)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Birthday Recap
Everyone knows about the balloons for my birthday from my cute friends...what you may not know is that Miranda also took me to see princess on ice last week. It was so fun. You can see the smilebox for that at Mirandas website (See side bar: Miranda, then Princess on ice on her blog...I still have to try to figure out how to put her smilebox on my blog.). I also had breakfast at Mimi's, put together by Jill, and a pedicure from Michelle, and a gift card for clothes from my mother in law and Jeff's family, and my sweet sister-in-law Kimm got me a Cinderella cake. That was so thoughtful and sweet. Then there is the one mystery gift card for Megaplex Theaters. Then on the morning of my birthday, I got breakfast in bed from all of my sweet boys.
For my Birthday Finale, Jeff took Clint and I to see VIDEO GAMES LIVE at Abravenal Hall in SLC. Wasn't that nice of him to take me to a video game music concert for my Birthday??? Actually, it was really cool and I loved it. The best part was of course the tribute to the greatest video game of all time, Halo (see clip below). (Make sure to pause the music on the "My Playlist " on my side bar so you can get the full effect of the video clip.) It really was a fun concert, complete with lazers, live characters from the games, movie and game clips on a big screen, a funny script, and a lot of really good music. (I've posted my favorites from the night on my playlist). Video games really have evolved into an amazing art form, with some pretty impressive scores. Even though I don't share Jeff and Clint's love of playing, I have developed a respect for all of the really talented people that are involved in creating a really good game. And fortunatley I have asked Jeff enough questions about the plots, and characters of some of those games (in my attempt to be interested in his hobby)...so I was just as excited to see Master Chief come out as he was. So turning 40 was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Thanks to an amazing family, lots of really wonderful friends, and an Xbox!
For my Birthday Finale, Jeff took Clint and I to see VIDEO GAMES LIVE at Abravenal Hall in SLC. Wasn't that nice of him to take me to a video game music concert for my Birthday??? Actually, it was really cool and I loved it. The best part was of course the tribute to the greatest video game of all time, Halo (see clip below). (Make sure to pause the music on the "My Playlist " on my side bar so you can get the full effect of the video clip.) It really was a fun concert, complete with lazers, live characters from the games, movie and game clips on a big screen, a funny script, and a lot of really good music. (I've posted my favorites from the night on my playlist). Video games really have evolved into an amazing art form, with some pretty impressive scores. Even though I don't share Jeff and Clint's love of playing, I have developed a respect for all of the really talented people that are involved in creating a really good game. And fortunatley I have asked Jeff enough questions about the plots, and characters of some of those games (in my attempt to be interested in his hobby)...so I was just as excited to see Master Chief come out as he was. So turning 40 was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Thanks to an amazing family, lots of really wonderful friends, and an Xbox!
I did it!!! Miranda's smilebox of Princess on Ice...I have great friends!
So, of course I cried a lot during the show...I'm not sure why. Just the music and the princesses, and I don't know...not everyone will understand what Disney means to me...but it means a lot. Maybe hopeing for what can be, what is possible, true love, what I want to be...I love Disney. Thanks agian Miranda. One of the sweetest gifts I've ever received. I know I over use some certian words..."sweet", "beautiful",but if something is what it is, why should I try to find another word? I am very grateful to have a lot of sweet and beautiful things and people in my life. And I want to always recognize how beautiful and sweet they are.
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